Welcome to the Password System!

This page is an implementation of the Passwords System from the ASMBXT: Prelude to the Stupid game. It's an attempt to rebuild the now non-functional page that was made originally and hosted at the Talkhaus's server. During play-through of the game, you may obtain various secrets that will tell you about passwords. If you have no clue for what these passwords needed, the answer on this page: use them here! Type the password that you found into the field below to obtain the reward of the game.

OR, you could retrieve the standalone version of the Passwords System having one of next variants:

Password-protected 7z archives
There are all rewards of the game stored as password-protected archives. Once you obtain a password, please try to type it in LOWER CASE at every archive until it gets accepted.

Coming soon: standalone applications for various operating systems.

Original Passwords System developed by Kashkabald. Thank you Kashkabald for assistance on reviving this Passwords System! Without your help, it would being completely lost in the oblivion. But it's here, revived, and working!



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