
Moondust Project
The free and open source game engine and devkit for it

The modern and cross-platform port of the SMBX fan game, free and open source


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TheXTech v1.3.7: The biggest New Year Gift for everybody!

This is a large update. We worked long and hard on this update, and we finally ready to present this big update for you all! This update will be the biggest in TheXTech's history and features a huge set of features, bugfixes, and improvements.

Thank you to @0lhi who served on our core development team for design and quality assurance from version v1.3.4 (2021) to v1.3.7 (2025). His contributions are much appreciated.

Most important changes

  • Widescreen and small-screen support, done right. No hacks, no editing luna.lua, no broken spawns. Play all of your favorite SMBX 1.3 content at your device's native resolution for a smooth and polished "remaster" experience, while the engine keeps track of which important items would have been onscreen (or offscreen!) in SMBX 1.3.
  • Classic playstyle for classic content. Disable TheXTech's unnecessary bugfixes and new features to play your SMBX 1.3 content the way its authors intended it, or go totally Vanilla (at your own risk).
  • An options overhaul. No more editing thextech.ini, every single game setting can be changed in the new in-game options menu.
  • Refined player select. A huge thank you to Savby for reimagining our text-based player select menus with an intuitive and colorful interface that feels right at home on your TV.
  • Multiple asset packs. TheXTech is good for more than just SMBX, and now you can conveniently switch between asset packs within the engine itself. Just add your extra asset packs to the assets subdirectory in your TheXTech folder, and switch by holding select at the main menu.
  • Beta 4P support. Ever wanted to play Battle Mode with 3 of your best frenemies? Now you can! This version introduces shared and split screen 4-player co-op and split screen 4-player battle. Please share your feedback and experiences with us so we can make it better!

All details and downloads are on the project page!

See complete description by clicking the "Read more..." link.


Posted 01/21/2025 02:36 by Wohlstand

TheXTech v1.3.7-beta: prelude to the big one

The new BETA version of TheXTech 1.3.7-beta has been released!

This is a BETA version for the upcoming v1.3.7 release. We worked long and hard on this update, however, we still need additional testing before we can release a stable version. This update will be the biggest in TheXTech's history and features a huge set of features, bugfixes, and improvements.

Most important changes

  • Widescreen and small-screen support, done right. No hacks, no editing luna.lua, no broken spawns. Play all of your favorite SMBX 1.3 content at your device's native resolution for a smooth and polished "remaster" experience, while the engine keeps track of which important items would have been onscreen (or offscreen!) in SMBX 1.3.
  • Classic playstyle for classic content. Disable TheXTech's unnecessary bugfixes and new features to play your SMBX 1.3 content the way its authors intended it, or go totally Vanilla (at your own risk).
  • An options overhaul. No more editing `thextech.ini`, every single game setting can be changed in the new in-game options menu.
  • Refined player select. A huge thank you to Savby for reimagining our text-based player select menus with an intuitive and colorful interface that feels right at home on your TV.
  • Multiple asset packs. TheXTech is good for more than just SMBX, and now you can conveniently switch between asset packs within the engine itself. Just add your extra asset packs to the assets subdirectory in your TheXTech folder, and switch by holding select at the main menu.
  • Beta 4P support. Ever wanted to play Battle Mode with 3 of your best frenemies? Now you can! This version introduces shared and split screen 4-player co-op and split screen 4-player battle. Please share your feedback and experiences with us so we can make it better!

Known issues

  • Audio may be choppy on Old 3DS.
  • Texture load stutter is present on Wii.
  • The viewport is sometimes incorrect on Vita.
  • On Windows 10 when running OpenGL with some ~2006 Intel iGPU on laptop, game would crash (possibly fixed).

All Beta downloads at the official GitHub release page


Posted 11/17/2024 12:17 by Wohlstand

TheXTech v1.3.6.6: now it's just a bugfix update

This release fixes several bugs that was found in the previous release of as the possible final release of the 1.3.6.x branch. So, the next station is "1.3.7"!

Changelog for

New vanilla bugfixes:

  • Fix vanilla bug where vehicle could be vulnerable if player entered it during AltJump (requires frame perfect down press), guarded by compat flag "fix-vehicle-altjump-bug" (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix vanilla bug where vehicle could not be exited if player entered it while holding AltJump key, guarded by compat flag "fix-vehicle-altjump-lock" (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix vanilla bug where player can get softlocked if hit by a grabbable NPC while digging dirt, guarded by compat flag "fix-player-stuck-on-dirt" (Classic Mode) (@ds-sloth)

TheXTech bugfixes:

  • Fixed the problem when a touch screen is not detected on some Android devices (@Wohlstand)
  • Fix minor bug that caused certain configurations on macOS to crash on startup (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix Wii U bug where resizing the game screen could cause the game to crash (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech crash caused when a pet mount is eating the last NPC in the level and the eaten NPC is killed (@ds-sloth)
  • Fixed Wii U bug where game quits into the black screen instead of the Wii U's main menu when game started from the Aroma (@Wohlstand)
  • Fix TheXTech inaccuracy allowing the player to dismount a vehicle when blocked by an NPC (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech bug where conveyor belts would sometimes not activate correctly (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech OpenGL bug where the shadow effect interacted inaccurately with bitmasked textures (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech 1.3.6 bug where it was impossible to unpause while holding an item (@ds-sloth, thanks to SimplyMav for the report)
  • Fix TheXTech bug where GIF masks for sizable block 261 were not loaded (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech bug where SMBX level version autodetection did not work for platforms (note that this logic will be fully removed in 1.3.7) (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech bug where NPCs on hidden layers were incorrectly allowed to chain-activate (The bug affected the outro scene of Dynamite Grotto in SRW2). (@ds-sloth)
  • Add workaround for TheXTech Modern Mode inaccuracy where NPC clipping did not match SMBX 1.3 (This bug affected the same scene). (@ds-sloth)

Known issues

  • 3DS and Wii ports do not run at the native system resolution.
  • Audio may be choppy on Old 3DS.
  • On Windows 10 when running OpenGL with some ~2006 Intel iGPU on laptop, game would crash (possibly fixed).

All details and downloads are on the project page!


Posted 09/24/2024 05:48 by Wohlstand

TheXTech v1.3.6.5: not just a bugfix update

This is a minor update that adds some features, and fixes a variety of vanilla and TheXTech bugs found in the previous releases.

Changelog for

New features:

  • Added an experimental Sub-Hubs sub-system: it's will be possible to mark any level as a "sub-hub" where player can save the game and resume it from that level instead of the main hub (@Wohlstand)
  • Added the CopyVar command to the LunaScript which allows to copy value of one user variable to another (@Wohlstand)
  • Allow asset packs to customize Font 5 (outlined mixed-case font) (@ds-sloth)
  • Added automatical language detection for Vita (@Wohlstand)
  • Misc stability and performance improvements for the 3DS and Wii ports (@ds-sloth, @Wohlstand)

New vanilla bugfixes:

  • Fix vanilla bug where an incorrect frame gets shown when player attempts to enter the star-locked pipe, guarded by compat flag fix-visual-bugs (@Wohlstand)
  • Fix a vanilla graphical bug where an NPC emerging upwards from a block might use the wrong frame and width (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix the logical size of an NPC emerging downwards from a block, guarded by compat flag fix-npc-emerge-size (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix a vanilla bug where blocks could become intangible to NPCs after a coin switch was used (@ds-sloth)
  • Add a terminal velocity of 16 for lineguide platform blocks, guarded by compat flag fix-platform-acceleration (@ds-sloth)

TheXTech bugfixes:

  • Fix TheXTech 1.3.6 bug where auto movement on the world map was not reset when switching episodes (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech 1.3.6 bug where dropping a player at the world map removed their mount (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech editor bug where NPCs could not be erased from a battle level (@ds-sloth)
  • The fails counter now increments whenever any player dies (not just P1) (@ds-sloth)
  • Add a workaround for a memory exhaustion error from lineguide platform blocks (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech 1.3.6 bug where carefully-constructed single-frame wall clips would not work in TheXTech (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech 1.3.6 bug where the vanilla player-filter-bounce bug was not correctly reproduced in TheXTech (@ds-sloth)
  • Fixed a leak of file descriptors in the translations sub-system (@Wohlstand)
  • Fixed the problem when anti-cheat trap will break levels in the editor (@Wohlstand)
  • Fixed the unexpected fade-in effect that gets played during any level quits by warps (@Wohlstand)
  • Fixed the incorrect work of the touch screen on PS Vita (@Wohlstand)

Known issues

  • 3DS and Wii ports do not run at the native system resolution.
  • Audio may be choppy on Old 3DS.
  • On Wii U, can't run the WUHB-packed game via Aroma in the second time because of possible Aroma-side bug.
  • On Wii U, Attempt to quit the WUHB-ran game will lead a black screen when running it via Aroma.
  • On Windows 10 when running OpenGL with some ~2006 Intel iGPU on laptop, game would crash (possibly fixed).

All details and downloads are on the project page!


Posted 04/23/2024 04:43 by Wohlstand



Hello everyone!

Today (15'th of February, 2024) is a significant day: it has been exactly 10 years since the WohlSoft forum launched in 15'th of February, 2014. At that time, everything started with very simple researches over SMBX engine with the closed source code at that moment (you may find several related documents in the archive here).

As the founder of the forum and the entire WohlSoft team, I thank all those who are with us! And I also thank all those who have ever contributed to the development of the team's projects!


Posted 02/15/2024 06:08 by Wohlstand

TheXTech v1.3.6.4: Bugfixes update

The new stable version of TheXTech has been released!

This is a small update that fixes small a set of bugs found in the previous releases. This version includes a HOTFIX that fixes the startup crash on 32-bit Windows platforms and fixes random crashes that may happen with non-SIMD builds of the game.

Changelog for

  • Use OpenGL as the default renderer on supported platforms ("sdl" may be used in config.ini or at at the command line to request the SDL2 renderer)
  • Add ability to edit battle levels using in-game editor (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix bug where it was not possible to return to the main menu from an invalid battle mode level (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix vanilla bug where P2 could not close message box during shared screen coop (@ds-sloth)
  • Changed credits font id to 5 for outlines. (@0lhi)
  • Fix Emscripten bug where worlds created in the editor would get lost on page refresh (@ds-sloth)
  • Remove option "osk-fill-screen"; this behavior is now used whenever a touchscreen is active (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech crash on activating a joystick with an empty SDL name (@ds-sloth)
  • Fixed the TheXTech's startup crash on some 32-bit Windows systems. (@Wohlstand)
  • Removed config option "editor-edge-scroll" (enable by default on gamepads) (@ds-sloth)
  • Add ability to scroll in editor using mouse wheel or touchpad (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech bug where bitmask GIFs would sometimes be rendered incorrectly (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech 1.3.6 bug where the editor could occasionally crash when placing warps (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech 1.3.6 bug where the editor could not set the level name (used in battle mode) (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech bug affecting debug builds where the editor could crash when erasing objects (@ds-sloth)

Known issues

  • On Wii U, can't run the WUHB-packed game via Aroma in the second time because of possible Aroma-side bug.
  • On Wii U, Attempt to quit the WUHB-ran game will lead a black screen when running it via Aroma.
  • On Windows 10 when running OpenGL with some ~2006 Intel iGPU on laptop, game would crash (Possibly fixed).
  • On Emscripten, edited levels may be lost after closing the game.

All details and downloads are on the project page!


Posted 02/11/2024 01:30 by Wohlstand

TheXTech v1.3.6.3: Bugfixes update

The new stable version of TheXTech has been released!

This is a small update that fixes small a set of bugs found in the previous releases.

Since this version, the Alt-Run button will be used instead of the Down button to perform the ground pount using a Purple "horse". The Down button behaviour will work when playing with the compatibility mode.

Changelog for

  • Fixed a TheXTech crash where object lookup table could not process items with negative size (@ds-sloth)
  • On level load, replace negative item sizes with size zero (such items cannot be created by any editor)
  • Fix TheXTech bug where item would drop above incorrect player in SharedCoop mode (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix rare TheXTech 1.3.6 bug where newly-added player could get stuck in immune state if other player died (@ds-sloth)
  • Display current version (and git revision if a dev build) on title screen (@ds-sloth)
  • Wii U port: add WUHB build (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix TheXTech bug where the score display would not show '9's when using legacy assets (@ds-sloth)
  • Use the ANGLE shader translator library to improve support for OpenGL ES 3.0 shaders on desktop platforms (@ds-sloth)
  • Fix vanilla / TheXTech bug where a player could clip into ground while standing on a downwards-moving slope, guarded by fix-player-downward-clip compat flag (@ds-sloth)
  • CONTROLS / LOGIC CHANGE: when riding a purple pet mount, alt run is now used to enter a pound (down is still used in compat mode) (@0lhi, @ds-sloth, @Wohlstand)
  • Fix TheXTech modern mode bug where simultaneous slope-ground collisions were not handled properly (@ds-sloth)

Known issues

  • On Wii U, can't run the WUHB-packed game via Aroma in the second time because of possible Aroma-side bug.
  • On Wii U, Attempt to quit the WUHB-ran game will lead a black screen when running it via Aroma.
  • On Windows 10 when running OpenGL with some ~2006 Intel iGPU on laptop, game would crash.
  • On Emscripten, edited levels may be lost after closing the game.

All details and downloads are on the project page!


Posted 01/21/2024 03:00 by Wohlstand

Planned maintenance starts on 6th or 7th of December 2023


There's some major system-wide work planned to begin very soon. So, it's very possible that tomorrow or the day after (On the 6th or 7th of December), the WohlSoft server will be temporarily closed for maintenance.

The following resources will be unavailable during the maintenance process:


Apologies for possible inconvenience!

UPDATE: 9th of December, 2023, All works have been completed, all systems are operational.


Posted 12/05/2023 06:07 by Wohlstand

TheXTech v1.3.6.2: Bugfixes update

The new stable version of TheXTech has been released!

This is a small update that fixes small a set of bugs found in the previous release and introduces the experimental Wii U support.

Changelog for

  • Fixed a crash on attempt to add a game directory after storage permission grant on Android (@Wohlstand)
  • Added workaround for Little File Manager on Android (to open level file by content with no resources) (@Wohlstand)
  • Fixed TheXTech bug where error messages at the main menu would lock the game (@ds-sloth)
  • Fixed an inability to parse LunaDLL Autocode files via MSVC builds of the game (@Wohlstand)
  • Added experimental support for the Nintendo Wii U homebrew platform (@Wohlstand).
  • Fixed audio not working when "/3ds/dspfirm.cdc" is missing on the 3DS (workaround works for the Citra and the HLE engine only, for the hardware and the LLE mode, you are required to obtain the true dspfirm.cdc file) (@Wohlstand).

All details and downloads are on the project page!


Posted 11/20/2023 06:28 by Wohlstand

TheXTech v1.3.6.1: Internationalisation, OpenGL, etc.

The new stable version of TheXTech has been released!

We worked on this update long and hard, and now we're ready to present a bunch of new features and fixes! This is a checkpoint release after which there are major works will be started. But don't worry, if any issue occurs with this version, hotfixes will be released.

Note: To get the full power of TheXTech while making new projects, the special Moondust Devkit configuration package is suggested (the latest laboratory Moondust Devkit required until the next stable devkit version release).

Note 2: In order to gain access to all the new features, you should upgrade your assets package. Old ones will remain functional but do not contain the additions needed for features like new sound effects, the built-in editor, additional meta-signs, etc.

Note 3: Some options of the compat.ini file were renamed in order to get rid of references to proprietary content. We highly recommend renaming these fields at your episodes as soon as possible. (Details at the wiki)

Note 4: If you want to enable multi-language system, you are required to install new assets packages (you need to have `fonts` and `languages` sub-directories in your assets package).

All details and downloads are on the project page!


Posted 10/14/2023 09:59 by Wohlstand

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