Welcome to the LunaLua!

This is an archived page since the LunaLua became as a part of SMBX2 (X2) project. Therefore, it's no longer receives standalone updates. We highly recommend downloading Super Mario Bros. X2 which already contains latest LunaLua.



LunaLua - is a free and open source extension for legacy SMBX Engine of version 1.3 which contains some patches, fixes, improvments, and also extends it, adding the Lua scripting language support!


  • Increasing overall performance
  • Fixes of some bugs
    • npc-*.txt with decimal numbers won't crash anymore SMBX with "runtime error 13"
    • fixes a random crash caused by the mushrooms contacting with lava blocks
  • OpenGL render support
  • SMBX's audio engine has been replaced with better and more flexible SDL Mixer X library which also provides SMBX with internal support of lots of additional sound formats
  • Added PGE's sounds.ini and music.ini support which gives ability to have custom musics (including the world map musics!) and custom sound effects per episode.

Comparison with LunaDLL

LunaLua is a continuation of LunaDLL which adds the Lua scripting language. The main problem with Autocode (the LunaDLL-language) is the lack of flexibility (f.e. custom functions, variables,.. etc). With LunaLua we don't need any hardcoded code for complex ideas anymore.

Screenshots and videos

LunaLua: CinematX preview thing
(Demo of CinematX lua library for LunaLua)
LunaLua with effects system
(Example of custom effect controlling)
LunaLua-SMBX: Jump Event Experiences
(All switches are triggering on jump)


NOTE: LunaLua no longer receives standalone updates. We highly recommend downloading Super Mario Bros. X2 which already contains latest LunaLua.

There are archived standalone LunaLua-SMBX packages available for download:


  • Patched executable based builds will work on Windows XP and anywhere also. However, some antiviruses may treat it as a heuristic/generic virus as a false positive.
  • LunaLoader based builds will give less false positives, however, it may not work on some platforms such as Windows XP, therefore it's better to use a patched executable based builds.

Old LunaLua versions:

There are minimal packages only, use these packages to downgrade the last LunaLua toolchain down to specific version if that needed:

Source code

(Requires Visual Studio 2015 for build)

Download sources (zip)

Our GitHub repository

Help, FAQ and Documentation

Full LunaLua API Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions about Lua Errors

Archive of official Help and support on the WohlSoft Forums

Archive of official Help and support on the Talkhaus

Archive of official Help and support on the SMBX Forums

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