Building Moondust Project from sources

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This is a guide that will provide an overview of building the Moondust Project (formerly PGE Project) for your specific operating system.

Preparing to build

  • Download the required sources (clone a development repository and all its submodules)
  • Download the desired config pack

Firstly, you will need to download all required sources:

Clone the repository with the following commands:

# On Linux or macOS, create a directory for your repos if you do not already have one
mkdir ~/myrepos
cd ~/myrepos/
# On Windows, you need to open a folder where you want to store your repositories (you should have ASCII-only characters in a full path!) and open the Git Bash on it

# clone the repo into your new directory
git clone --recursive -j4
cd Moondust-Project

# clone submodules (they are required to build Moondust Project)
git submodule init
git submodule update
Notice Note: You should have Git installed. On macOS, it's usually already installed.

For Windows Git Bash can be used. You should install a Git For Windows to get started.

Notice Tip: If you have a slow network connection, you can speed up the cloning process by use of the "--depth=1" flag. To use an SSH-based URL you must be logged into GitHub.

Now, download any configuration package (that contains media such as graphics, music and sounds) that is known to work with the latest laboratory version of Moondust:

Building for Linux


Need to install

  • Qt >= 5.4 (You can install the necessary set of Qt libraries by your package manager. Otherwise, the latest version can be downloaded from here: (You will need the "Open Source" version), valid for x86_64 systems only, on ARM or PowerPC-based platforms you should use the package manager to obtain the necessary set of Qt libraries, see the guide below)
  • gcc >= 5.0
  • g++ >= 5.0
  • Installed OpenGL libraries and headers (mesa-drv, x11-xcb-dev, etc.)
  • CMake >= 3.5 (If you have older CMake in your distro packages repository, you can alternatively download a fresh version of CMake here:

Installing development tools

GCC and system libraries

Install gcc and dependent libraries on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint

For modern releases

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ git wget make automake
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev libdbus-1-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libpulse-dev libsndio-dev libudev-dev libwayland-dev libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxext-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxrandr-dev libxss-dev libxt-dev libxv-dev libxxf86vm-dev

For older releases

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ git wget make
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install "^libxcb.*" libx11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcursor-dev libxrender-dev \
libxrandr-dev libxext-dev libxi-dev libxss-dev libxt-dev libxv-dev libmirclient-dev \
libxxf86vm-dev libxinerama-dev libxkbcommon-dev libfontconfig1-dev \
libasound2-dev libpulse-dev libdbus-1-dev libts-dev udev mtdev-tools webp \
libudev-dev libglm-dev libwayland-dev libegl1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev \
libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa libgles2-mesa-dev

Optional: Installing the ccache package is possible to speed up the building process

sudo apt-get install ccache

on Redhat / CentOS

sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ git wget make automake nano
sudo yum install alsa-lib-devel libX11-devel libXScrnSaver-devel libXcursor-devel libXext-devel libXi-devel libXinerama-devel libXrandr-devel libXrender-devel libxkbcommon-devel mesa-libEGL-devel mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLES-devel mesa-libGLU-devel systemd-devel glibc-static libstdc++-static

on openSUSE

sudo zypper install gcc gcc-c++ git wget make automake nano
sudo zypper install alsa-lib-devel libX11-devel libXScrnSaver-devel libXcursor-devel libXext-devel libXi-devel libXinerama-devel libXrandr-devel libXrender-devel libxkbcommon-devel mesa-libEGL-devel mesa-libGL-devel systemd-devel glibc-static libstdc++-static

on Arch-based distros

sudo pacman -S gcc g++ wget make automake base-devel alsa-lib dbus libglvnd glu libpulse sndio systemd-libs wayland libx11 libxext libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxrandr libxss libxt libxv libxxf86vm

Qt 5

To get Qt installed you have two options. The first is to Qt5 packages from your distribution's repositories via your package manager, and the second is downloading binaries from the official site of Qt.

Package managers

The most easier way to install necessary Qt libraries is using the package manager of your Linux distribution.

Ubuntu 20+ / Mint 20+

sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5gui5 \
libqt5core5a libqt5widgets5 libqt5concurrent5 libqt5qml5 qtdeclarative5-dev libqt5network5 \
qt5-image-formats-plugins qt5-gtk-platformtheme qt5dxcb-plugin qtwayland5 libqt5waylandclient5

Ubuntu 16+ / Mint 18+

sudo apt-get install qt5-default qt5-qmake qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5gui5 \
libqt5core5a libqt5widgets5 libqt5concurrent5 libqt5qml5 qtdeclarative5-dev libqt5network5 \
qt5-image-formats-plugins qt5-gtk-platformtheme qt5dxcb-plugin qtwayland5 libqt5waylandclient5

Redhat / CentOS

sudo yum install qt5-devel

Arch-based distros

sudo pacman -S qt5-base qt5-tools qt5-declarative qt5-imageformats qt5-wayland
Official binaries
WARNING: This paragraph is valid for x86_64 machines only, and will not work on ARM/PowerPC/x86 machines.

Alternatively, to package managers, you can download Qt5 from the official site on the following page:

Notice Note: If you don't know what to download, choose "Open Source", it has all necessary for Moondust Project.

If you download the necessary packages from the official Qt project's site you should set "executable" permission in a terminal to get a runnable install for Qt's installation.

  • download the package to your PC
  • Set executable:
chmod u+x
  • Run the installer:

And follow install instructions.

Notice Tip: Installer will ask you to log in or register: it's not necessary and can be just skipped. Hit the Skip button to continue the installation.

Once you're finished, don't forget to check if Qt is installed to "/home/$USER/Qt"

/home/$USER/Qt/5.12.4/gcc_64/bin/qmake -v

If you get a return message such as the following, congrats! Everything is successful up to this point ;-)

QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.12.4 in /home/wohlstand/Qt/5.12.4/gcc_64/lib

Preparing to build

  • Extract the downloaded config pack to /home/$USER/.PGE_Project/configs

Make sure you have the following folder tree.

  • Now open the terminal and change the current directory to in the Moondust-Project repo directory that contains the project sources.
  • run the ./ command to configure the build and check which Qt installation was detected. If no Qt installation was detected, the text editor (gedit, mcedit, or nano) will be opened with the file and you will need to manually set paths to Qt bin and lib directories,


#-----------------Path to Qt bin directory-----------------

#-----------------Path to Qt lib directory-----------------

Building the code

To start building, use the script:

chmod u+x

Once everything has finished building, you should now be able to see the built executables in the ./build-pge-cmake-release/bin folder.

Now if you'd like to start the Moondust editor, run the pge_editor file

Additional arguments for

  • no-pause - skips pausing when the script finishes

Deploying builds

It's possible to pack your build in order to use it on other systems without rebuilding. To do this, run the "./ deploy" command from the repository root:

./ deploy

Once the deploy process has finished you'll get something such as "bin-cmake-release/pge_project-linux-64.tar.bz2". Ta-da! You now have a file that allows you to share or use your compiled build on other systems.


  • Your build will correctly work on only systems that are compatible with your own Linux distro. For example, a Moondust build that has been built on a Debian/Mint/*Ubuntu system will NOT work on a Fedora/CentOS/Redhat/OpenSUSE system (or vica versa)!
  • To have the correct deployment, it's recommended to build Moondust with the Static version of Qt.


Generate Lua-API documentation

Lua-API documentation is written in the source code directly. It can be converted into a friendly and browsable set of HTML that can be used.

  • LDoc (You need to clone it into the repository into the parent directory of the Moondust Project repository. I.e. git clone ../LDoc)
  • Penlight (Can be also installed through luarocks: sudo luarocks install penlight)

After you have installed all dependencies and built the project, run next command to run documentation build:

./ ldoc

On successful work you will found the compiled documentation in Engine/doc/doc folder.

Building for Windows


  • MinGW >= 5.3 or MinGW-w64 (can be used one that comes together with the Qt framework by the installer)
  • Qt >= 5.4 (You can download it here, you will need the Open Source): You also can read the Installing Qt on Windows manual.
    • Get Qt for Windows 32/64 bit (MinGW) or use Online Installer to take same version. Don't download VisualStudio versions if you don't plan to use it for yourself! Moondust requires MinGW because MinGW has the support of functions and templates used by Moondust which are not available and not buildable in MSVC!
    • You don't need a paid Qt version. You need to download the Open Source!
  • 7zip [You can download it here: or SourceForge (needed for deploy script which must be used with dynamic Qt build which is available to download)]
  • Git (You can download it here: (Optionally, without it Moondust Editor/Engine are will have not a build-ID mark in the about dialogue)
  • CMake >= 3.5 (You can download it here:

Installation of the development tools

Install all the tools in a folder, for example, C:\DevTools.

  • MinGW into C:\MinGW (if you got it separated)
  • Qt into C:\Qt

Qt installation Note: you must enable the components:

  • For a 64-bit build
    • 5.12 -> MinGW 7.2.0 64 bit or higher
    • Tools -> MinGW-w64 7.2.0
  • For a 32-bit build
    • 5.12 -> MinGW 7.2.0 32 bit or higher
    • Tools -> MinGW-w64 7.2.0

Other components are optional and aren't required to be installed.

Notice Tip: If you want to build a 64-bit version, you must have 64-bit Qt for MinGW which is not available officially, however, you can build it yourself.

Since Qt 5.12.0, 64-bit Qt builds for MinGW are shipped officially.

Notice Important note: Since 5.8, Qt no longer support Windows XP. Therefore, Editor, Maintainer, MusicPlayer, and Calibrator will fail with the "CancelIoEx not found in the kernel32.dll" error if they are built with Qt >= 5.8. To keep the support for Windows XP, please install the Qt 5.6.x or earlier.
Notice Important note: Since 6.6, Minimal support is increased to Windows 10 Version 1809. Same result but now with "SetThreadDescription" not found for Win7/8/10 (Below 1809). To keep the support for Windows 7 or Earlier Version Windows 10, please install the Qt 5.15.x or earlier.

Preparing to build

  • Clone the source code repository to a folder where you can find it easily (Path shouldn't contain non-ASCII characters!)
  • Extract the downloaded config pack into %UserProfile%\.Moondust_Project\configs (if .Moondust_Project directory is not exist - create it, and create the "configs" folder inside!)

You must have this tree:

  • run the generate_paths.bat file and when notepad will open, type the paths to Qt and to MinGW

for example C:\Qt\5.7\mingw53_32\bin and C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin)

Build code

  • In the project folder, hold the Shift key on your keyboard and press the right mouse button, and in the context menu select "Open command window" (available for Windows 7 and newer).
  • In the opened command Window, enter these commands for the build:

If everything is successfully built, you will see the built Moondust executables in the build-pge-cmake-release/bin subfolder - it's the compiled Moondust application. You can run and use it!

P.S. If you want to deploy the pre-compiled stuff, you will need to run the next command to automatically copy all necessary DLLs into Moondust's binary folder. You will need to have installed 7zip to be able to run this.

build.bat deploy

When everything is built, you can run the pge_editor.exe from a build-pge-cmake-release/bin directory (or from bin-cmake-release/Moondust_Project when you have used `deploy` command) to run the editor application or run the pge_engine.exe to launch the game engine.

Building for Windows via MSYS2

Alternatively, you can build Moondust with using of MSYS2 environment.

  • Install MSYS2 (
  • From the start menu, open "MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit" or "MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit" depending if you want a 64-bit or 32-bit build
  • To install dependencies for 64-bit, run:
pacman -S git p7zip mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5

or for 32-bit run:

pacman -S git p7zip mingw-w64-i686-toolchain mingw-w64-i686-cmake mingw-w64-i686-qt5
  • To get the source code and build, run the following commands:
git clone --depth 1 --recursive Moondust-Project
cd Moondust-Project
./ deploy
  • You now you should have a build of Moondust!

Building for Mac OS X


Installing of development tools


To install XCode you need to download it from your App Store.

Dependent tools

To have correct working build scripts, you also need to install "coreutils", "binutils" and "gnu-sed"

brew install coreutils
brew install binutils
brew install gnu-sed

Note: If you are using MacPorts, do those commands instead:

port install bunutils
port install coreutils
port install gsed


You have two ways to install Qt:

  • via homebrew in with terminal command: brew install qt5
  • via Online installer (We recommend you to choose the ~/Qt path which will be easy to access from Finder)

Important Note for El Capitan (OS X 10.11.*) and for HighSierra (OS X 10.13.*)

If you received a build error with missing headers which is a small bug which forces you to find SDK for OS X 10.10 while you have pre-installed SDK only for 10.11. This trouble can be easily fixed with a small workaround: you will need to make a symlink to 10.11 in the SDK's folder:

ln -s /Applications/ \

In the case of "High Sierra" replace versions with 10.12 and 10.13 (XCode 9)

ln -s /Applications/ \

"High Sierra" with XCode 8

ln -s /Applications/ \

Since you will run this in the terminal, the build process must work correctly

Static version of Qt

If you don't want to have trouble with frameworks and dependent dynamic libraries, we are recommending to build a static version of Qt yourself. Here is a detailed manual on how to build a static version of Qt 5 for Mac OS X: Building static Qt 5

Preparing to build

  • Extract the source code to a folder where you can find it easily (The path shouldn't contain non-ASCII characters!)
  • Extract the downloaded config pack into /path/to/your/source/Content/configs

You must have this tree:

  • run the file and when nano will open, add Qt path into the environment and save the file with CMD+O

for example ~/Qt/clang_32/bin)

Building code

To build a project using the special script:


When everything will be built, you will see the built app bundles in the ./build-pge-cmake-release/bin folder.

To start the usage of the editor, run the Moondust file

Deploying of built stuff

If you wish to make a DMG image to use your build on other computers without rebuilding, you can run the "" script with the "deploy" argument:

./ deploy

When the deploy script will finish its job, you will get the "bin-cmake-release/pge-project-dev-macosx.dmg" file which you can share with friends or use on another computer yourself.

Notice Note: To have right deployment, you should build Moondust with Static version of Qt.

Building Moondust Engine for Android

For now, Moondust Engine only can be built for the Android platform.


Preparing to build

The project you need to open and build is located in `Engine/android-project`. Until you are able to open the project you need to initialize it: open the terminal (or Git Bash if you running on Windows) and change the current directory into `<repo>/Engine/android-project`. Then, execute the ``. After the build has been initialized, feel free to open it in Android Studio where you can run it.

Building code

From Android Studio you can run Build->Make to just compile the project, or Build->Generate signed APK to get the ready-for-use APK. Please check both Java Key Stores.

Deploying of built stuff

APK you have built can be simply installed into the device through ADB or by manually placing it into the device and installing it via any file manager.

To make it work right you will need:

  • make the `/sdcard/PGE Project` folder and then `/sdcard/PGE Project/configs` and `/sdcard/PGE Project/worlds` inside
  • put any config pack into `/sdcard/PGE Project/configs` folder
  • put any episode or levels set into `/sdcard/PGE Project/worlds` folder
  • On Android 6+ you will need to switch on the file system access, otherwise, the engine will not be able to see config packs and episodes


file_formats.h (or any other) not found

If this file is not found, it seems you forgot to download submodules.

... is not a member of ...

Usually, this error appears when you have outdated submodules. If an error happens outside any submodule-related classes, that means a bug, caused by a missing macro or support of another operating system. Please report about this to us.

Merge conflicts

The reasons for merge conflicts are:

  • You have committed some changes to some lines which also changed the pulling state
  • You have a folder which has been turned into a submodule, but you still have it as part of the Moondust repository. Delete it and try to pull it again. If you still have an error, try to re-clone the repository
  • Was a force push with incompatible history modification. After this, you must re-clone the repository

If you have any troubles with merge conflicts in case you didn't make any changes and you can't resolve it, just re-clone the repository

Fatal error: can't create .... on running build script

If you getting this error, means you have damaged make files. To fix that you must run the `./ clean` or `build.bat clean` (dependent on the operating system) scripts in the root of the repository

Access denied error while linking

This error usually happens on the Windows operating system. It means you trying to rebuild an application which is still in the run. If you already closed it, please check out the task manager and kill it if it has turned into a zombie and still be in the memory.

Any "undefined reference" error while linking

This error means that some of the dependencies are built incorrectly and lack some of the functions, external variables or classes. Another reason is a missing system library in the link list which is dependent on your operating system.

ninja: error: '...', needed by '...', missing and no known rule to make it

Notice Note: This trouble has been resolved in recent commits of a "master", so, you will no longer meet this issue again.

When you trying to run CMake build directly by using Ninja, keep an eye on the fact it can't correctly deal with "external projects" of CMake for the case-dependent libraries are didn't been built yet. However, you have a solution: at first, you need to build dependent libraries as the separate target:

ninja libs


cmake --build . --target libs

At a moment when all libraries will be built, you'll be able to compile the project:



cmake --build . --target all

Which platform version is supported? (Windows, macOS, Linux, Android)

Any non-Qt components support as minimal platforms as possible they can (Windows XP and macOS 10.7). Qt with newer versions gradually drops support of old platforms: Platforms supported by Qt. To support certain older platforms, you need to get the specified Qt version that is able to work on a wanted platform.

  • For example, to support Windows XP, you need to use Qt 5.6 which is LTS. Qt 5.7 is able to work on Windows XP, however, since Qt 5.8 all Qt apps will fail with missing CancelIO call inside Kernel32.dll on Windows XP.
  • For the case of Linux, you can support the old platform with the latest Qt in this case you will compile all required dependencies from sources using the modern compiler (GCC 6+ or CLang 4+, C++11 required, C++14 is recommended).
  • For the case of macOS, you will need to use a specific Qt version to support older macOS platforms. You still can use the latest XCode to produce working binaries. You should be sure to specify a minimal macOS version to get the complete deployment working on the older platforms.
  • Minimal Android version support is dependent on a version of SDK. With the newer version of SDKs, the minimal Android version is increasing. If you want to deploy to an old platform, you should use an older SDK.