Rules and guiding for TheXTech assets packages

Description: These are full sets of standalone resources packages that represent complete games. There are also episodes that feature a complete set of assets than using default SMBX assets.
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Wohlstand M
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Wohlstand M
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Post #1by Wohlstand » 16 Feb 2022, 21:21

Hi there!

This is a section where you can post your assets packages or packed games that can work with the TheXTech engine. Every game assets package is a complete set of game resources that are required to run the game. That means, to play the game from assets, you will need the plain executable package of TheXTech only, and you don't need to download the whole "Super Mario Bros. X" or "Adventures of Demo" game to play a game from the assets package. The assets packages are fully standalone, unlike episodes that depend on specific game assets.

What difference is between Assets and Packed Games?
  • Assets package contains no executables and is fully platform-independent. To play them, you will need to retrieve (or build from sources) the copy of the TheXTech engine for your platform.
  • Packed Game is an assets package that also includes the executable for a specific platform(s), and is fully runnable out of the box. Additionally, Packed Games may be too specific for a certain set of episodes and can't be properly used to develop other projects based on the assets of the packed game.

If you create a new assets package for TheXTech, you may also post the page that tells about the project you do work on.

Rules (draft, maybe changed soon)
  • Suggested to provide the logo picture at the top of the main post, but is not required
  • You are required to provide at least one screenshot of your project in action
  • If your assets package project is not finished, please post it at the "Projects" sub-section. Once you finish the work on it, ask any moderator to move it into the main list.
  • You are required to give the download link for your project (exception for WIP projects, where you are not required to give any downloads, but it would be cool if you give at least a small demo for it).
  • Downloads must be easily accessible without any registrations and/or payments. (For example, please never post your downloads at MediaFire as a directory, this makes no way to download the project without payments or any hacky tricks. Pack the whole directory into a single file archive and give the link to it).
  • Highly recommended (if possible for you) providing the mirror for Chinese users to download your project. (Google, Yandex.Disk, MediaFire, etc. were banned in China, and users have no access to them).

Have fun!

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