LunaDLL Autocode Reference

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WARNING: Autocode is OUTDATED!!!
Autocode is Outdated, NEVER use it!!

For SMBX2: See the document page for LunaLua.
For TheXTech: Please wait for LUA script system support.

Basic Filters

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
FilterToSmall x x x x Length x Player loses all powerups.
FilterToBig x x x x Length x Player loses all powerups higher than bigness.
FilterToFire x x x x Length x Player loses all powerups higher than fireballs.
FilterMount x x x x Length x Whatever the player is riding disappears.
FilterReservePowerup x x x x Length x The player's reserve powerup disappears.
FilterPlayer x Filter ID To ID x Length x If the player's character type is "Filter ID", they change to the character set in "To ID".

General Effect Commands

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
HeartSystem Display X Display Y Max hearts x Length x Activates a heart tracking system for players that use hearts. Allows for more than 3 hearts and displays the current heart count at X / Y on screen.
InfiniteFlying x x x x Length x Player's flight timer never decreases below 50 so long as this event is active.
ForceFacing NPC ID Section x x Length x All NPCs of NPC ID in Section always face the player.

Screen commands

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
PushScreenBoundary Section UDLR x x Length Speed Moves section borders.
ScreenEdgeBuffer NPC ID UDLR Buffer Space x Length x Keeps NPCs from leaving the screen.
SnapSectionBounds Section X Y x Length x

Text commands

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
ClearInputString x x x x Length x Interrupts words and cheats the player is typing.
ShowText x X pos Y pos Font type Length String Shows String on the screen, at coordinates X pos and Y pos, with specified font type.
ShowNPCLifeLeft NPC ID X pos Y pos Section Length Base health Displays how much life the first match for "NPC ID" in "Section" has. Displays on the screen at coordinates X pos and Y pos. Supply the correct base health for the NPC so it can calculate the correct remaining life.
ShowLevelName x X pos Y pos Font type Length x
Notice Important note: This is the TheXTech-only command available since the version of the engine. This command is unavailable in original LunaDLL, LunaLua, or SMBX2 releases.
Display level name at the (X pos, Y pos) with specific Font Type.
ShowLevelFile x X pos Y pos Font type Length x
Notice Important note: This is the TheXTech-only command available since the version of the engine. This command is unavailable in original LunaDLL, LunaLua, or SMBX2 releases.
Display level filename at the (X pos, Y pos) with specific Font Type.
$VarName,ShowVar x X pos Y pos Font type Length Base Text Shows value of the variable on the screen, at coordinates X pos and Y pos with specified font type.


Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
Timer Target Effect Display? Reset? Length x Starts a timer that performs Effect on Target. Set "Display?" to 1 to display the timer in the top right. Set "Reset" to 1 and the timer will start over once it completes. If "Effect" is 1000 or higher, the timer will behave like the Trigger command. It will trigger the corresponding custom event by placing it in the section specified by Target.
Trigger Section Event x x x x Activates an event by moving "Event" to "New section". The trigger itself expires afterwards.
TriggerRandom Possible event 1 Possible event 2 Possible event 3 Possible event 4 Length x Triggers one of the 4 events at random.
TriggerRandomRange Start End x x Length x Triggers one of the events between two other events.
TriggerSMBXEvent x x x x x Event Name Triggers SMBX event with Event Name.
CancelSMBXEvent x x x x Length Event Name
Notice Important note: This is the TheXTech-only command available since the version 1.3.6 of the engine. This command is unavailable in original LunaDLL, LunaLua, or SMBX2 releases.
Cancel triggered SMBX event with a delay. Allows breaking the loop of SMBX events that trigger each other.
TriggerZone Event to trigger Top edge Bottom edge edge Left edge Right edge Options Triggers EVENT when the player enters the rectangle created by the 4 bounds.
RunCheat x x x x Delay Cheat String
Notice Important note: This is the TheXTech-only command available since the version 1.3.6 of the engine. This command is unavailable in original LunaDLL, LunaLua, or SMBX2 releases.
Set a cheat code to execute it now.
IfNPC NPC ID Condition To section Event Length x If "Condition" is true for NPC specified by "NPC ID", then custom event "Event" is triggered in "To section". IfNPC command expires itself after triggering.
IfVar x Comparison type Value Event Length Variable Name Check permanent Variable and activate Event if Comparison is true
IfCompatMode x Comparison type Mode number Event Length x
Notice Important note: This is the TheXTech-only command available since the version 1.3.6 of the engine. This command is unavailable in original LunaDLL, LunaLua, or SMBX2 releases.
Triggers an event according to the currently using compatibility mode of TheXTech: 0 is modern mode, 1 is the compatibility with SMBX2 fixes, and 2 is the full SMBX 1.3 compatibility mode.
IfSpeedRunMode x Comparison type Mode number Event Length x
Notice Important note: This is the TheXTech-only command available since the version 1.3.6 of the engine. This command is unavailable in original LunaDLL, LunaLua, or SMBX2 releases.
Triggers an event according to the currently using speed-run mode of TheXTech: 0 is disabled speed-run, 1 is a speedrun with modern mode, 2 is a speedrun with X2 compatibility mode, and 3 is a speedrun with SMBX 1.3 compatibility mode.
OnInput x Button First frame? Event to trigger Length x Activates EVENT when BUTTON is pressed. If TAPPED is set, it only activates the first frame that the player pressed the button and won't again until they let go and press again.
OnCustomCheat x x Only once? Event to trigger Length Cheat String When the player types CHEAT STRING, activate EVENT.
OnEvent x x Boolean for once Event Length Event Name
Notice Important note: This is the TheXTech-only command available since the version 1.3.6 of the engine. This command is unavailable in original LunaDLL, LunaLua, or SMBX2 releases.
Run the LunaScript event when SMBX event got been triggered.
OnPlayerMem Offset Value Comparison type Event to trigger Length Type (b, w, dw, f, df) Scans player memory and checks OFFSET. Does COMPARISON to the VALUE at that OFFSET, and if the comparison is true, it activates EVENT. DATA SIZE is what type of data it should look for at that offset.
OnGlobalMem Address Value Comparison type Event to trigger Length Type (b, w, dw, f, df) Scans SMBX global memory at ADDRESS. Does COMPARISON to the VALUE at that ADDRESS, and if the compaison is true, it activates EVENT. DATA SIZE is what type of data it should look for at that offset.
BlockTrigger Who can trigger Block type Collision type Event to trigger Length Options When player touches any block of type BLOCK ID, activates EVENT. URDL determines what type of interaction the player must have with the block.
ScreenBorderTrigger Left Event Top Event Bottom Event Down Event Length Depth

Layer commands

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
LayerXSpeed Layer # Stop after? x x Length New speed Sets the X (left and right) speed of LAYER NUMBER to SPEED. Note that layer number is 0-based instead of 1-based.
LayerYSpeed Layer # Stop after? x x Length New speed Sets the Y (up and down) speed of LAYER NUMBER to SPEED.
AccelerateLayerX Layer # Max speed x x Length Accel amt Increases the X speed of a layer, up to MAX SPEED. Adds by SPEED every frame.
AccelerateLayerY Layer # Max speed x x Length Accel amt Increases the Y speed of a layer, up to MAX SPEED. Adds by SPEED every frame.
DeccelerateLayerX Layer # Deccelerate to x x Length Accel amt Puts a friction or air resistance-like decceleration on a layer. The layer's speed will decrease by SPEED every frame, to a minimum of DECCEL TO.
DeccelerateLayerY Layer # Deccelerate to x x Length Accel amt Puts a friction or air resistance-like decceleration on a layer. The layer's speed will decrease by SPEED every frame, to a minimum of DECCEL TO.

Block commands

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
SetAllBlocksID Type Set to x x Length x
SwapAllBlocks Type (in) Type (out) x x Length x
ShowAllBlocks Type x x x Length x
HideAllBlocks Type x x x Length x

Set commands

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
CyclePlayerLeft x x x x Length x Cycles player character 'left'.
CyclePlayerRight x x x x Length x Cycles player character 'right'.
DeleteEventsFrom Section x x x Length x Delete all commands marked with the given Section.
Kill 0 (Player) x x x Length Option Kills the player.
MemAssign Address Value OPERATION x Length Data type Sets the internal memory of SMBX.
NPCMemSet NPC ID Offset Value OPERATION Length Data type Sets the memory of all NPCs in the level of the given type.
PlayerMemSet x Offset Value OPERATION Length Data type Sets the memory of Player 1.
SetHearts x Hearts x x Length x Sets the amount of hearts the player currently has to HEARTS.
SetHits NPC ID Section Damage x Length x Set all NPCs that have the given NPCID to have taken HITS amount of hits.
SetVar x OPERATION Value x Length Variable Name Manipulates permanent user variables
$TargetVar,CopyVar x OPERATION x x Length Source variable Name
Notice Important note: This is the TheXTech-only command available since the version of the engine. This command is unavailable in original LunaDLL, LunaLua, or SMBX2 releases.
Copies one permanent user variable to another with or without operations.

Audio commands

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
SFX x Sound ID x x Delay Filename (.wav for original LunaDLL) Plays SOUND EFFECT after DELAY. Set DELAY of 1 for instant playback. Can play a custom sound effect from the level folder if you specify FILENAME.
SetMusic Section Music ID x x Active Time Filename Change Music in a section.
PlayMusic x Section x x Delay x Plays the music from SECTION after DELAY. Set DELAY to 1 to play it right now.

Advanced/Misc commands

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
DebugPrint x x x x Length x Write some info about how lunadll is running onto the screen.
LunaControl Type Action x x Length x Performs Action on Type
ModParam Parameter # Value OPERATION Section Length Identifier
ChangeTime x Value OPERATION x Length Identifier
DebugWindow x x x x x Message
CollisionScan x x x x Length x
$VarName,LoadPlayerVar x Offset OPERATION x Length Data type
$VarName,LoadNPCVar Type Offset OPERATION Section Length Data type
$VarName,LoadGlobalVar Address OPERATION x x Length Data type

Sprite commands

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
LoadImage Image ID Transparent Colour (Hex) x x x Filename.bmp
PlaceSprite Type Image ID X Y Length x
OnPlayerCollide x Small Hitbox? x Comp Length x
OnPlayerDistance Distance Far / Close x Comp Length x
WaitForPlayer Offset Value Comparsion Type Comp Length Data Type
PlayerHoldingSprite Type x x Comp Length x

TheXTech only commands

There are commands of Autocode language that exclusive to TheXTech engine and they aren't available in any versions of LunaDLL, LunaLua, and SMBX2.

Command Target Param Param Param Active time String Description
Version 1.3.6
OnEvent x x Boolean for once Event Length Event Name Run the LunaScript event when SMBX event got been triggered.
CancelSMBXEvent x x x x Length Event Name Cancel triggered SMBX event with a delay. Allows breaking the loop of SMBX events that trigger each other.
PlaySFX x Sound ID Loops Volume Delay Filename Same as SFX but allows to define number of loops (0-based count, -1 means infinite loop) and initial volume (from 1 to 128).
StopSFX x x x x Delay Filename Stops the currently playing custom sound using filename as a key.
RunCheat x x x x Delay Cheat String Set a cheat code to execute it now.
IfCompatMode x Comparison type Mode number Event Length x Triggers an event according to the currently using compatibility mode of TheXTech: 0 is modern mode, 1 is the compatibility with SMBX2 fixes, and 2 is the full SMBX 1.3 compatibility mode.
IfSpeedRunMode x Comparison type Mode number Event Length x Triggers an event according to the currently using speed-run mode of TheXTech: 0 is disabled speed-run, 1 is a speedrun with modern mode, 2 is a speedrun with X2 compatibility mode, and 3 is a speedrun with SMBX 1.3 compatibility mode.
ShowLevelName x X pos Y pos Font type Length x Display level name at the (X pos, Y pos) with specific Font Type.
ShowLevelFile x X pos Y pos Font type Length x Display level filename at the (X pos, Y pos) with specific Font Type.
$TargetVar,CopyVar x OPERATION x x Length Source variable Name Copies one permanent user variable to another with or without operations.