All levels are made by the members from Hel Studio. It totally has 15 levels. Though there are very few levels in this collab, the most of them have high quality and it's worth to play with.
The original Chinese version of ToD is released in 2019, today it's English translation is here! Have fun to play with it! (You should use SMBX 1.4.4 fix 2 to play, due to most of our Chinese players are using it)
- What changes in the English version
- All messages, includes the music names are all translated into English.
Mario and Luigi's GFX now uses the SM2DU GFX that made by Lx Xzit.
Fixed minor bugs and reduced some level's difficulty.
- Screenshots (Old)
- Download Link
viewtopic.php?f=83&t=3634 to get some informations. (Chinese warning)