Super Mario Castle Crisis (v1.2) [SMBX-38A 1.4.4] (Sept 6 UPDATE)

Description: Place for SMBX-38A games that are ready to be played. You can also share them here.
Moderators: Yoshi021, Lx Xzit, 5438A38A, Moderators, Semi-moderatos

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Roach, Sir Numa, BlueNinja@PGE-SMBX, CodeX, EmeraldMaster777, Gas, PvP_FINGER, zirogamer12, uiop, Duckolium, rlopez3, McNaquar, Super Tyranitar, Third Star 248, Kowalski11
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I have collected the 114 stars.

Post #21by rlopez3 » 27 Dec 2018, 21:14

This is the best chapter of smbx I've played. In addition, I congratulate myself for having collected the 114 stars of this chapter, Also, I passed the 4 special levels after having collected all the stars. Goody!

Added after 2 minutes 45 seconds:
I have collected the 114 stars.
This is the best chapter of smbx I've played. In addition, I congratulate myself for having collected the 114 stars of this chapter, Also, I passed the 4 special levels after having collected all the stars.

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Post #22by BlueBlasterX3 » 18 Jun 2019, 4:38

This looks really relaxing to play, I'm definitely going to try this out!

McNaquar M
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Bug found!

Post #23by McNaquar » 11 Jul 2019, 9:20

The three star coin bonus room is permanently inaccessible if you fail to complete it as specified. The three star coins can only be collected once and if you collect them out of order or die anytime during the collection the bonus room is off limits. The problem with that is the three star coins remain permanently collected in the wrong order or with a death if you save the game after completing the stage making getting some stars impossible. This should be considering an "Episode" breaking glitch as you do need all the stars to access a certain thing in the Episode. Maybe moving the star from the bonus room to another location that is hard but possible to reach would fix this issue as I'm not sure how else this could be fixed without coding a conditional to reset the star coin value if the player tries to open the bonus door under the incorrect conditions (died while collecting the star coins or collected out of order).

Roach M
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Post #24by Roach » 1 Sep 2019, 7:44

McNaquar wrote:The three star coin bonus room is permanently inaccessible if you fail to complete it as specified. The three star coins can only be collected once and if you collect them out of order or die anytime during the collection the bonus room is off limits. The problem with that is the three star coins remain permanently collected in the wrong order or with a death if you save the game after completing the stage making getting some stars impossible. This should be considering an "Episode" breaking glitch as you do need all the stars to access a certain thing in the Episode. Maybe moving the star from the bonus room to another location that is hard but possible to reach would fix this issue as I'm not sure how else this could be fixed without coding a conditional to reset the star coin value if the player tries to open the bonus door under the incorrect conditions (died while collecting the star coins or collected out of order).

This is a persistent problem with smbx. The way to fix this is simply to restart your game and go back to the level. I wish i could fix it but I can't :( . But resetting the game will allow you to try out the 3-star coins challenge again in the levels where you didn't get it. The challenge is to not die while collecting the star coins. If you die, you'll have to restart your game or you can try the next levels until you are ready to restart the game.


Roach M
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Roach M
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Post #25by Roach » 28 Nov 2022, 1:50

JUst a lil bump since it's been years but reminding people this is still available or for those who are new and may have missed it :)


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