SMBX-38A - Discussion Thread and Downloads

Description: Subforum dedicated to SMBX-38A - a fan-made remake of the original SMBX Engine, made by 5438A38A.
Forum rules: This is official Europan/American community for the SMBX-38A. Suggested to don't post stuff for this engine outside this subforum.
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Erwill M
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Post #121by Erwill » 13 Feb 2016, 13:32

Ah, so create a layer named "Att-Screen(*)" and put the "world 1-1" in this layer.

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Post #122by ILikeWoods » 13 Feb 2016, 14:39

Holy smokes, this is actually ... working? From the color coding (and my very tiny programming knowledge) I would guess it is a fixed layer name for this exact purpose. So it does mean, the other stuff has gotten completly unnecessary?
Where did you get that information :mrgreen: ? Has 5438A38A instructed you already with further usage of "functions" and stuff like that, this would be my guess at least.

The only downside I see using it in this way is you have to display everything or nothing, if you want to stick layers to the player like this, that is
(e.g. under 100 seconds -> Info layer -> Warning: Low time > not possible using this procedure).

Edit: Well.. even through it is working, it is NOT always working. From the editor it seems to have an error rate of 50 % lol. Means = with every start-up there is a chance it is working. In further 25 % of the cases the layer itself moves once after starting a little bit to the left, for whatever reasons.
But since it is basically working, this seems to be an generic programming issue only fixable by 5438A38A himself.

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Post #123by Erwill » 13 Feb 2016, 15:41

Edit: Well.. even through it is working, it is NOT always working. From the editor it seems to have an error rate of 50 % lol. Means = with every start-up there is a chance it is working. In further 25 % of the cases the layer itself moves once after starting a little bit to the left, for whatever reasons.
But since it is basically working, this seems to be an generic programming issue only fixable by 5438A38A himself.

Give me your actual level.

Where did you get that information :mrgreen: ? Has 5438A38A instructed you already with further usage of "functions" and stuff like that, this would be my guess at least.

I saw it in the text file "Changelog"

-Added some special events that automatically triggers when certain conditions are met.(AutoRun-Event)
-Name list:Level - End,Player - GotHurt,Player - GotItem,Player - GotNPChurt,Player - Swimming,Player - Warping,NPC - Death,NPC - Killed,Timer - Over,etc.
-Added API layers.Objects in these layers are locked in a special position.
-Name list:Att-Player1(*),Att-Player2(*),Att-Screen(*),Att-ScreenII(*).'*' can be any vaild characters.
-'Attach to Layer' function is not available to NPCs in these layers.

+ There are some extra code for NPC.

-spinjump:can the NPC be killed by spin jumps or not.
-To be compatible with jumphurt,this one should be set the same time you set jumphurt.
-spinjumphurt:can players get hurt trying spin-jump the NPC.
-waterjumphurt:can the NPC be stomped to death under water.
-To be compatible with jumphurt,this one should be set the same time you set jumphurt.
-nolava:can the NPC be killed by lava.
-nohammer:can the NPC be killed by hammers.
-health:hitpoints for the NPC,can only be a const.
-holdgenerator:makes the NPC hold a NPC generator itself.
-Usage:holdgenerator = x , y , id , Delay , Speed , Angle , [Optional L = 1] , [Optional R = 360] , [Optional AC = 1]
-Parameters:relative position of NPC(x,y),generating interval,initial speed,initial angle,branches,range,whether the direction changes according to the facing of NPC.
-Be careful,you may make lakitus throwing lakitus using this,producing deadly lags.
-framestyle=3 Animations are not played automatically.
-framestyle=4 Animations are only played once.
-framestyle=5,6,7£ºMuch the same as 0,1,2.Differences:GFX will have a downward offset 'NPC special setting value * NPC original frame number',for example,player fireballs are using this.
-fireballdmg:damage taken when hit by fireballs.
-jumpdmg:damage taken when hit by stomps.
-hammerdmg:damage taken when hit by hammers.
-shelldmg:damage taken when hit by shells.
-lavadmg:damage taken when hit by lava.
-tailspindmg:damage taken when hit by tail spins.
-blockhitdmg:damage taken when hit by blocks.
-explosiondmg:damage taken when hit by bombs.
-float:is the NPC affected by buoyance,only makes sense when nogravity is set to 0,for example,SMB3 platforms are using this.

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Post #124by ILikeWoods » 13 Feb 2016, 16:26

Oh uhm .. ok ... *caught*. Are these functions for the scripts only or additional "commands" for the npc text files as well? (your last quote block)
Because of framestyle I would guess the second one ... but I am still unfamiliar with 1.4.1 to tell if these could be used within scripting (events) as well.

-Parameters:relative position of NPC(x,y)
Aaah, I guess this is supposed to imitate World 4-1 lakitus of SMB1?

Erwill M
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Post #125by Erwill » 13 Feb 2016, 18:08

This problem with "Att-Screen(*)" is related with the Scrolllok.

But there are no problem if you use "WORLDINFOL", just, you forgot to tick "Enable" in the event "ScreenXStart" and you must add the line "val(ScreenX) = sysval(Player1scrX) in the second script after the Y version.

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Post #126by ILikeWoods » 13 Feb 2016, 18:31

Catskart wrote:This problem with "Att-Screen(*)" is related with the Scrolllok.
So, it is a bug indeed.

In your map "Enable" wasn`t enabled either, it it was still working. Is that an alternative to "Delay", if so, the design is a little bit irritating (not really directed to you).

Catskart wrote:But there are no problem if you use "WORLDINFOL", just, you forgot to tick "Enable" in the event "ScreenXStart" and you must add the line "val(ScreenX) = sysval(Player1scrX) in the second script after the Y version.

This happens, if "you" copy something without to have a big idea what you are doing or what it exactly means. To put it in a nutshell: It was just a careless mistake on my side. Great! NOT!

Ok, let`s see if this is finally done, specially for you xD

Erwill M
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Post #127by Erwill » 13 Feb 2016, 20:05

So, it's working ?

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Post #128by ILikeWoods » 13 Feb 2016, 20:14

Yes, it is! I was simply upset about myself.
Your highly increased points in reputation is no accident.

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Post #129by h2643 » 21 Feb 2016, 19:25

Updated the links and added a DL to SMBX 1.4.2
<Knux> h2643 the super computer

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Post #130by ILikeWoods » 21 Feb 2016, 22:26

Why now? It is the end of the weekend, damnit!

On a serious note, this guy is a machine! Unbelievable! I wouldn`t have guessed the arrive of 1.4.2 before summer, if at all!

Even through the features are quite awesome, I barely had an overview on them during 1.3. For the love of god, to understand at least most of them, a real community has to grow, otherwise I will see this patch sinking into the see.

-The number of star coins are now shown on the world map.
Either he did read my post or this is a pure accident.

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Post #131by mariofan 64 » 22 Feb 2016, 18:00

I looked through the 1.4.2 changelog...this guy is updating fast and well, though he forgot to update mega music for the mega mushroom, unless it's in there now and wasn't noted.

And Wohlstand needs to add stuff to the editor before he can have full support of the 1.4 files, because there's some new stuff that would not be loaded, like world map layers and events, and 1-time levels. :o
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Post #132by Wohlstand » 22 Feb 2016, 18:22

mariofan 64 wrote:And Wohlstand needs to add stuff to the editor before he can have full support of the 1.4 files, because there's some new stuff that would not be loaded, like world map layers and events, and 1-time levels. :o
Don't worry, I already extended my todo list and I already has drafts for layers and events on world map. So, I'll start works on action-styled events (by anyway, there are convertable into classic events with with partial losses (for example, unsupported controls or actions)). World map will take action-styled events now instead of classic styled, BUT, how I already told, there are will be compatible with 38A's world map events

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Post #133by ILikeWoods » 22 Feb 2016, 20:31

I just noticed the order of background objects has been 'rearranged' (?), my project map is now a mess. It would be nice if the former order of 1.4.1 could be kept!

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Post #134by Wohlstand » 22 Feb 2016, 21:59

ILikeWoods wrote:I just noticed the order of background objects has been 'rearranged' (?), my project map is now a mess. It would be nice if the former order of 1.4.1 could be kept!
So, he could use myorder priorities table to keep order of BGO's as-is: ... info/LVL file description.pdf
(bottom of LVL specification has full set of BGO Order priorities)
BGO's Order priority from 1 to 2 means "Under sizable block" Z-layer (Background-2 layer)
from 3 to 50 means over sizable blocks, but under all other blocks (Background-1 layer)
BGO's Order priority start from 51 are foreground. (Foreground-1)

C/C++ based array of BGO's Order priorities (taken from latest PGE File Library sources):

Code: Select all

//Built-in order priorities per SMBX-64 BGO's
const int _smbx64_bgo_sort_priorities[190] = {

Those values are been researched by me with small experiment: I generated a level file which has all 190 BGO's at same point, and then resaved level in SMBX 1.3, then got ID's order from saved LVL into text file, then filled order priorities based on this work. When PGE saves SMBX64-LVL files, it keeps all BGO Priorities as-is as in SMBX, but even arranges them better (avoid mixes of different BGO "carpets" placed over each other. One example: fill zone with green tree crone BGO and then fill same zone with SMW fence net, then save level in SMBX: order will be miss-matched. Same level saved in PGE Editor keeps nice view)

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Post #135by SgwySpeedrcr » 23 Feb 2016, 3:37

Catskart wrote:
-spinjump:can the NPC be killed by spin jumps or not.
-To be compatible with jumphurt,this one should be set the same time you set jumphurt.
-spinjumphurt:can players get hurt trying spin-jump the NPC.
-waterjumphurt:can the NPC be stomped to death under water.
-To be compatible with jumphurt,this one should be set the same time you set jumphurt.
-nolava:can the NPC be killed by lava.
-nohammer:can the NPC be killed by hammers.
-health:hitpoints for the NPC,can only be a const.
-holdgenerator:makes the NPC hold a NPC generator itself.
-Usage:holdgenerator = x , y , id , Delay , Speed , Angle , [Optional L = 1] , [Optional R = 360] , [Optional AC = 1]
-Parameters:relative position of NPC(x,y),generating interval,initial speed,initial angle,branches,range,whether the direction changes according to the facing of NPC.
-Be careful,you may make lakitus throwing lakitus using this,producing deadly lags.
-framestyle=3 Animations are not played automatically.
-framestyle=4 Animations are only played once.
-framestyle=5,6,7£ºMuch the same as 0,1,2.Differences:GFX will have a downward offset 'NPC special setting value * NPC original frame number',for example,player fireballs are using this.
-fireballdmg:damage taken when hit by fireballs.
-jumpdmg:damage taken when hit by stomps.
-hammerdmg:damage taken when hit by hammers.
-shelldmg:damage taken when hit by shells.
-lavadmg:damage taken when hit by lava.
-tailspindmg:damage taken when hit by tail spins.
-blockhitdmg:damage taken when hit by blocks.
-explosiondmg:damage taken when hit by bombs.
-float:is the NPC affected by buoyance,only makes sense when nogravity is set to 0,for example,SMB3 platforms are using this.

All these codes are great... but is there a code to Kill a NPC by only jumping? Such as a Bully? This question might be a bit more general to SMBX 1.3 as well as SMBX 1.4.2

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Post #136by ILikeWoods » 23 Feb 2016, 19:19

Well, yes?


I only realize right now, there is no "NoTailspin" ?

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Post #137by Pilzinsel64 » 23 Feb 2016, 19:52

Wohlstand, please tell 5438A38A, if i test my level with comand lines,
smbx will not load all my custom textures. I test it in level editor and then
with comand lines. SMBX don't load backgrounds-, npc- and some
block-and-tiles-textures when i load the level with comand lines.

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Post #138by Lx Xzit » 24 Feb 2016, 10:59

Would be okay if I make a new topic for the bugs on SMBX 1.4.2 and other topic exclusively for the suggestions and ideas? I think we really need to do that because some ideas / bugs reports are a bit disorganized, however I'd like to consult staff's opinion before do it.

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Post #139by ILikeWoods » 24 Feb 2016, 19:19

DarkMecha wrote:Would be okay if I make a new topic for the bugs on SMBX 1.4.2 and other topic exclusively for the suggestions and ideas? I think we really need to do that because some ideas / bugs reports are a bit disorganized, however I'd like to consult staff's opinion before do it.
I asked Wohlstand about it already and he considered a seperate forum section for that.

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Post #140by Wohlstand » 24 Feb 2016, 19:34

Okay, I'll make "Troubleshutting" subsection for that case ;-)

EDIT: Done :good:

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