IMPORTANT NOTICE: Support will no longer be provided on SMBX forums

Description: All web-site's announcements are kept here.
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Wohlstand M
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Post #1by Wohlstand » 18 Jun 2023, 18:09


Recently, I decided to completely quit the SMBX Forums, and therefore, the support for all our software will no longer be provided at SMBX forums nor SMBX Discord server.

All the support will be provided at next places only:

Pay attention, that you won't get the support at all if you post your request anywhere but listed above places.

Giving apologies for given inconveniences.

EDIT: There is some brief FAQ about the thing and the future (I would extend this list later).

Frequently-Asking Questions

Q: What will happen with a development of your projects?
A: I will continue the development of my projects as usually. Also, I will keep the full maintenance on the current hosting infrastructure and will still give the related support. I will just don't stay at the SMBX Forums: my presense at the SMBX Forums/SMBX Discord Server changes nothing: I was not so active at them for a while. Sometimes I replied to some quesions at random time, but I did no major activity at these places for a while. So, it's reasonable for me to just abandon these places as they are out of my main focus.

Q: What will happen to the support of SMBX2?
A: I already take not so much focus on SMBX2 (At December, 2019, I already annoucned that I majorly reduce my active participation on SMBX2 development and I changed my focus on full work on Moondust Project without focusing on SMBX2). I just kept to provide minor bugfix support to the software that is used by the X2 kit. I will still provide any support to ordinary people who wants, for example, resolve the problems of getting game work somewhere (including the run on Linux and related systems). Also, among the Codehaus members, there are discussions are going for a while to make an own Editor or making the fork of the Moondust Devkit to develop their exclusive X2 editor. So, I already told them, do that as you want, I am totally don't care. But nothing was happen through years. Also, speaking about the mainstream repository: you are totally don't need to wait for me when I will make the X feature, you can do it yourself, and then, just send me a pull-request that I will review and accept if everything is fine, or give suggestions on what is need to change.

Q: Will do you remove the support for SMBX2 in the future?
A: No, I don't going to remove this support as long as this major branch of SMBX is in high demand, support will be maintained even in the future. All file formats and standards that were already supported, will be supported in the future to maintain the backward compatibility even in the new major version of the DevKit. The problem would affect the configuration packages support in the next major version of the Moondust Project: there are plans to reorganize all existing parameters at all existing configs to resolve a doze of known problems of their designs, etc. However, the API version declared at the config pack will be used to maintain backward compatibility with old config packs as much as possible. Current users of the SMBX2 won't need to worry, because I will keep the only old branch being available via update scripts. So, they will be able to receive recent bugfixes and have guarantee that nothing will be broken in the future. Builds for the new major version of Devkit will be uploaded with a different names and placed together with the old branch that will be maintained for bugfixes only as long as the support of this branch will be in high demand.

There are some of POSSIBLE reasons that WOULD cause the SMBX2 support removal later:
  • SMBX2 development team will finally decide to make their own fork of the Moondust Devkit for their needs.
  • SMBX2 development team will finally release their own Devkit to replace the Moondust Devkit in the next release of the SMBX2.
  • The SMBX2 itself will lose people's demand for any reason.
  • The support of SMBX2 on the side of Moondust Devkit will lose people's demand for any reason.

I would add more FAQ entries later, please watch for any of my news.

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Post #2by Animebryan » 18 Jun 2023, 23:58

Is there any particular reason why you quit the SMBX Forums?

Wohlstand M
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Post #3by Wohlstand » 19 Jun 2023, 0:52

There are was some:

  • For a while, I wanted to completely quit the SMBX community to finalize my support centralisation. Just, I can't and I don't want anymore to surf among hundreds of places to just reply one random person. I do have not so much time to spend it on other forums and servers. Really.
  • Before, I had already quit from some of servers (like, Codehaus, that was happen around the 2020 year). The only reason I was still staying on the SMBX server was internal excitement for "users who need support".
  • And, recent political conversation (it was happen yesterday (At UTC+3 evening of 17'th of June, 2023) at the SMBX's Discord Server) where I participated and said the serious nonsense, became a boot to me to finally start quitting from unrelated places.

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Post #4by Yingchun Soul » 19 Jun 2023, 1:53

Luckily I was opted out SMBX, and I'm focusing Nostalgic Paradise.
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Wohlstand M
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Post #5by Wohlstand » 21 Jun 2023, 22:55

Just now, I added the "Will do you remove the support for SMBX2 in the future?" FAQ question into the main post.

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