This is a WIP configuration package which making to be a default PGE config pack which will be available for everybody by default.
Configuration package available to download at GitHub:
How to install
- Clone repo via Github into "configs" folder of PGE where you can get able test it with PGE (installation path should be "configs/<any name>/*.ini")
- Run PGE Editor or PGE Engine and you should see the "PGE Default" configuration package in the list. In the PGE Editor if you wasn't enabled config pack selection dialog every startup, you can open that dialog in the Tools -> Global Configuration-> Change configuration.
This configuration package licensed with Creative Common, and I allowing to everybody contribute to it with graphics, sounds, musics and scripts!
How to contribute:
- Clone repo via Github into "configs" folder of PGE where you can get able test it with PGE (installation path should be "configs/<any name>/*.ini")
- Replace exist images with your own
- fell free to use images of any size!
- this config pack fully uses PNG images, if you was used a GIF+GIFm images, please convert them with GIFs2PNG tool
- If you replaced NPC's, register your new GFX properties in the lvl_npc.ini file if you replaced NPC graphics:
- gfx-width and gfc-height fields can be removed if you will correctly define framestyle and number of frames, target frames will be calculated automatically
- You also can remove "grid-offset" values which will be calculated automatically too.
- You have a flexible animator with support of bidirectional,reverse and special animations where you can define sequence of frames (counts from 0), etc.
- Physical-width and physical-height to define hitbox size of NPC
- If you wish to add your own music (you have able to use tracker music formats .IT, .MOD, .XM, .S3M, etc.), put them into data/music folder and please register it in the music.ini to get able play it in the PGE (replace one of old SMBX's musics which will have similar mood/genre with your music).
How to push
To get able push changes into common sandbox, please register on the and ask me or Kevsoft to get write access into this repo. When you will got write access, please commit your changes (Write comment about your contribution and save it). After you should sync with main repo:
- get latest changes from remote repo
- merge your chages with latest
- send merged result to remote repo
Don't worry, GitHub registering ALL changes and if you accidentally damaged content, we have able to revert wrong commit to restore all damaged back!
If you have no able to use GitHub to push changes, pack them into ZIP file and attach them here or ask friend to help you with github push