Moondust Project development news and discussion thread (Editor and Engine 0.3.4-dev)

Description: General discussion regarding the current engine development.
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Wohlstand M
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Post #1by Wohlstand » 30 Oct 2019, 14:06

Here it's a discussion and news related to the development process of the Moondust Project (formerly known as PGE Project) and related things and projects.

----> All stable releases available on the MAIN PAGE <----

But If you looking for the freshest builds for alpha/beta testing, welcome to laboratory:

Image Wohlstand's Laboratory (Most fresh experimental builds for Windows and for Linux Mint/Ubuntu/Kubuntu)

ImageOur GitHub repository where you can find complete source code of the Project

For everyone who is interested to build Project from the source I have the detailed manual for that which you can find here:
ImageBuilding Moondust from sources

Most of other information you can find here:
ImagePGE Wiki

Also you can join our Official Discord Server to have any Moondust (PGE Project) related and other discussions:
--> <--

P.S. The old development thread was kept for historical purposes here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=74&p=199

Wohlstand M
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Post #2by Wohlstand » 30 Oct 2019, 14:22


Small news for everyone:

Some weeks ago I have set up the WebLate platform which a system to work with translations. That means, everyone can contribute translations for PGE components easily and with less effort!

Here is a profile of PGE Project on WebLate:
To start work on translation, log in into WebLate (or register an account if needed) and feel free to translate! You can work together with friends and other folks on the same language to make the work go faster and easier rather than doing everything alone!

Wohlstand M
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New stable release!

Post #3by Wohlstand » 25 Dec 2020, 20:29

The new official release of the Moondust Project (PGE Project) was out!

Details here:
And here:

Wohlstand M
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Future plans for Moondust Project

Post #4by Wohlstand » 26 Oct 2021, 14:03

Hi there!

You may find that I had archived a big dose of old topics at the Moondust/PGE related sections. Yes, a big set of them is very outdated because of various factors. There are a set of old announcements, tutorials, presentations, etc. that was made a while ago, but they weren't updated for a while. So, I gonna fix this, and most of these topics will be archived.

With this, I want to tell, that the upcoming stable release will be the last that is based on the 2014-ish codebase, I will rebuild the entire project from scratch because it was needed to rethink and redesign it since 2015 because of the big number of architectural mistakes was made on the initial creation. That leads to a lot of challenges while developing new features and extending the functionality. For example, to add one small field entry in the editor, it needs to modify 5 different far places in the whole code. Additionally, the current scene graph implementation based on QGraphicsScene is very ineffective to work with big maps which makes a lot of issues at slow machines. Additionally, since we have the source code for the SMBX, and since we have the TheXTech project, the Engine needs to be fully redesigned: the whole thing is a result of reverse engineering and workarounds made, and just improperly implemented logic somewhere, for example, there is still a very old bug that allows the player to partially go through NPCs, and also, lots of other physics-related bugs.

Initially, Moondust Project had two goals: revive SMBX in a form of a cross-platform and free and open-source standalone engine, and provide the toolkit for brand new game projects. TheXTech has been successfully solved the first goal of the Moondust Project, and so, while Editor and Devkit will keep the rest of the compatibility with almost all known SMBX branches to save the ability to use it with them, the Engine will be targeted on making new projects, without keeping the compatibility with bugs of the past. I had told this many times around Discord, however, I want to tell the same here at this forum post to keep it visible for everyone.

I don't plan to give up at all, I want to finally release the big thing I wanted to make 7 years ago but had not enough power/skills/experience/time to proceed with that. And in addition to this, I spent too much time on projects that were completely unrelated to my main goal (namely, participation in SMBX2, due to which I drowned in the work on the Editor like as in a swamp, almost put the main work on the engine itself into long stagnation). But now, I am determined, and I will go forward, even that would take one more year of work! :fox-comando:

I greatly thank everyone who supported me all this time! I will keep you updated with all the news on my Discord server where I am always available for any conversations and feedback.

Good Luck! ;-)

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Some small news about Moondust Editor

Post #5by Wohlstand » 11 Jun 2022, 0:42

Some small news about Moondust Editor: ... 9d4630f66eba39e87b42056e2d273b
Yesterday, on a quick hand, I made the autosave functionality for these users who always forgets to save their files and loses all result of their hard work because of OS crash or power surge.

It works for both untitled and existing files:
- untitled files will be automatically saved into the "__autosave" directory at the user directory.
- existing files will be saved automatically in the same directory as the opened file, but they will take the "-autosave" ending.
- once you save the file in a standard way, auto-saved files be removed.
- Auto-save procedure will ignore unmodified and untitled files. Modified and unsaved files only will be automatically saved.

You may take an update at the laboratory to test out the auto-save feature in action.
Снимок экрана от 2022-06-10 02-51-16.png

Yingchun Soul M
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Post #6by Yingchun Soul » 5 Jul 2022, 4:07

The stable version is outdated and will be released soon!!
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