Cat amongst the pigeons....

Description: All outdated information about graphics and advices to create graphics.

johnno56 M
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Post #1by johnno56 » 12 Nov 2019, 11:38

I am more familiar with using Gimp as my primary editor. But perhaps it may be a bit of "over kill" for producing simple "retro" style images...

I would like to know, in your opinion, which editor would be best to produce retro tiles for platformers and why.

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Post #2by Wohlstand » 12 Nov 2019, 17:39

I use GIMP myself for everything, I using picker and pencil with Shift key together to do most of tricks. Windows users are using Paint.NET or a shitty MSPaint (which completely lacks a transparency). GIMP isn't so heavy, it's much lighter than most of other functional graphical editors.

johnno56 M
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johnno56 M
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Post #3by johnno56 » 14 Nov 2019, 15:43

Gimp is my "weapon of choice" as well. But, I would like something a little smaller, like an ms-paint type program, for Linux. I had started to code an editor but it was never finished. My skill level for programming is not very good... lol

I will continue with Gimp but I was curious to see what the rest of the Forum uses...

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