Official Moondust Zone Discord server for Moondust Project is open!

Description: All needed information about offical IRC and Discord chats and help.
Moderators: Moderators, Semi-moderatos

Wohlstand M
Topic author, Lead Developer
Lead Developer
Wohlstand M
Topic author, Lead Developer
Lead Developer
Age: 32
Reputation: 496
Posts: 1869
Joined: 15 Feb 2014
English Pronouns: he/him
Location: Moscow, Russia
Website Youtube channel URL Skype Tencent QQ

Post #1by Wohlstand » 30 Aug 2020, 22:17

Hi there!

I'm here to announce to you that since now we have our own Discord server!

Feel free to join out Server:
--> <--

Welcome to us!

Please read chat rules before you can see everything on the server!

For a free talkative in a native (if English is a not your native language) language, we have #general-russian, #general-chinese, #general-japanese, #general-spanish, #general-polski rooms.

Join us! ;-)

Any questions and suggestions you can post here!


Post #2by ListenFryderykChopin » 31 Aug 2020, 20:55

I'm one of some great people in this server and I can said, that it is very fun and not boring. Funny memes, channels and many more makes me back to this server. You don't believe? Check it. It's free. :) ;-)

Wohlstand M
Topic author, Lead Developer
Lead Developer
Wohlstand M
Topic author, Lead Developer
Lead Developer
Age: 32
Reputation: 496
Posts: 1869
Joined: 15 Feb 2014
English Pronouns: he/him
Location: Moscow, Russia
Website Youtube channel URL Skype Tencent QQ

Post #4by Wohlstand » 14 Oct 2023, 21:32

Fangamestalgia wrote:I tried to log in, but I can't send a message
You (as everybody also) are required to pass the anti-bot challenge, see the #verify room, everything explained.

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