Forum rules [at 13'th of December, 2024]

Description: A storage for the forum rules. Nobody can write here.
Moderators: Moderators, Semi-moderatos

Wohlstand M
Topic author, Lead Developer
Lead Developer
Wohlstand M
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Lead Developer
Age: 32
Reputation: 496
Posts: 1870
Joined: 15 Feb 2014
English Pronouns: he/him
Location: Moscow, Russia
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Post #1by Wohlstand » 12 Sep 2014, 14:55

[Version 13-dec-2024]
Welcome to the Moondust Project forum!
For the purpose of order/maintenance at this forum, we have the following rules:

    • You are required to use a valid and existing email address to prevent further problems descripbed here.
    • Use of disposable emails is not recommended, otherwise this may lead to account deactivation to prevent further mail delivery server-side errors.
    • Once you lose your mailbox after account creation, you are required to change it as fast as possible to prevent the loss of access to the account. See details here.
    • Once you have registered an account on this forum, your first post will be pre-moderated to avoid spam.
    • It's recommended (but is not required) to make an introduction of yourself in this section as your first post.

    • The main language of this forum - is English, except for the Sub-forums specific to other languages.
    • We'll ask everyone who writes outside the special "language sub-forums" in their native language to write the English translation of the message below the message so that everyone understands you.

    • Be polite to everyone, try to be objective in case of conflicts.
    • Any form of abuse/rudeness is forbidden within this forum, but you have all rights to express your emotions and beliefs, as long as they do not offend others. Abusing this will lead you to a ban.

    • Bring up questions in the correct forums and topics. If your question doesn't fit under any of the Sub-forums, you can post the question under the Sub-forum "SandBox".
    • Don't duplicate your original question, it doesn't increase the probability that your question will be answered. Abusing this may/will lead you to a ban.
    • Each user has a right to only one account in this forum. In case you forgot your password to your original account, just send an e-mail to any administrator or join IRC and ask for help there. So in other words: if you already have an account here and you're creating another one, expect your second account to be deleted.
    • We expect users to follow common posting habits, and useless, pointless or meaningless posts/threads are not permitted (posts like "I H8 U U SUX!11" will be deleted too and their author will be banned. You've been warned). In other words don't troll. Breaking this rule may/will lead you to a ban.
    • Any advertising which isn't concerning the original SMBX engine or projects/episodes/levels for it is forbidden (the exception to this is for user signatures).
      We are not an advertising website.
    • Advertising/linking other forums and the sort via posts and threads is not allowed (exceptions can be made by staff). Your thread will be deleted. Please understand that we don't want this forum to be filled with links to web-sites that have nothing to do with Moondust, Moondust community, or SMBX.
    • On the other hand, advertising/linking other forums and the sort in your signature is permitted. Make sure though, that the nature of these are not commercial.
    • Selling or publishing stuff through ad services (like AdFly), is forbidden, especially if your stuff contains copyrighted stuff which is not owned by you (and you don't have permission from the right's holder). Don't forget that you are not only violating a copyright law, but you are also parasitizing on copyrighted stuff!
    • Pornography or any photos/images containing vulgar, "mature content" (this includes excessive cruelty), are forbidden.
    • Note that there may be minors who visit this forum, and thus we request that you post with this in mind. Refrain from swearing excessively.

    In Signature:
    • You allowed to have any text of any size except any forbidden information (offends to other members, pornography, vulgar stuff or any other "mature content" include excessive cruelty).
    • All images which are higher than 150 pixels or wider than 1024 pixels, all animations with a file size more than 300 KB, all video-boxes and any flash or like interactive boxes must be put into spoiler(s) tags ([spoiler] [/spoiler] BB-tag).
    • Moderators are allowed to add heavy images/animations/video-boxes into the spoilers without notification of the user, but there are not allowed to modify/add/remove contents in a signature except of the forbidden contents removing.

  • These rules can be extended upon or changed with or without notification.

Rules in other languages:
Russian - Русский
Chinese - 汉语
French - Français
German - Deutsch
Spanish - Español
Portuguese - Português
Italian - Italiano
Polish - Polski
Last edited by h2643 on 12 Oct 2015, 14:02, edited 1 time in total.

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