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SAV file format description

Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 20:49
by Wohlstand
SaveGame File format specification already extracted!
This file contents the saved game settings. This allows to transfer not only game episodes from SMBX into new engine, but also allows the transfer of even SAVED GAMES. And.....It alowed to cheating with edit the saved game contents, for example, set "our friend" as hammer with lakitu's shoe, and continue game without using cheat codes :cool:

Full file format specification:
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Posted: 30 Apr 2014, 14:13
by Veudekato
p.s. player status is player's powerup ID.
p.s.s i find some problems in grammar. i pm you

Posted: 30 Apr 2014, 14:36
by Wohlstand
Veudekato, fixed