It's because internal treating of one second is different from real-live time counting, with a minor difference.Olepa wrote:(but real-time is slightly slower)" mean
It's because internal treating of one second is different from real-live time counting, with a minor difference.Olepa wrote:(but real-time is slightly slower)" mean
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The question: what version of the game? As I know, such of minigames were in 38A 1.4.4 and older, and as 38A promised, since 1.4.5 all the minigames got been removed away. Instead, he added a challenge for the hacking.hiyaragi wrote:But none of minigames opened. What is wrong?
No, right now there is no easier way as I know, or if somebody coded a lua library to simplify this...Giggs-Chan wrote:Isn’t there an easier way? I have no coding experience whatsoever.