Posts by Wohlstand

by Wohlstand
2 Feb 2025, 0:19
Forum: Vanilla SMBX and TheXTech
Topic: SMBX physics datasheet?
Replies: 3
Views: 105

Re: SMBX physics datasheet?

Olepa wrote:(but real-time is slightly slower)" mean
It's because internal treating of one second is different from real-live time counting, with a minor difference.
by Wohlstand
1 Feb 2025, 12:42
Forum: LunaLua scripting
Topic: VSCode LunaLua Intellisense
Replies: 2
Views: 88

Re: VSCode LunaLua Intellisense

I am not sure, but I know that it's possible to just attempt to make such extension by yourself.

Also, Welcome! And don't forget to read forum rules!
by Wohlstand
30 Jan 2025, 22:14
Forum: Super Mario Bros. X2 (SMBX2)
Topic: Things i want to be added in SMBX2
Replies: 3
Views: 41

Re: Things i want to be added in SMBX2

The only problem that X2 folks started to work even slower than usually. I heard a rumour that Hoeloe, the leader of X2 project, decided to abandon development for her personal reasons. I know not so much of details. I might forward this to Rednaxela who might give more details on this. But it's a c...
by Wohlstand
30 Jan 2025, 19:26
Forum: Super Mario Bros. X2 (SMBX2)
Topic: Things i want to be added in SMBX2
Replies: 3
Views: 41

Re: Things i want to be added in SMBX2

Hello and welcome!
I slightly fixed formatting in your post, so, to make lists work properly, wrap them into list BB code:

Code: Select all

[*]Item 1
[*]Item 2
[*]Item 3

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
by Wohlstand
30 Jan 2025, 17:29
Forum: Vanilla SMBX and TheXTech
Topic: SMBX physics datasheet?
Replies: 3
Views: 105

Re: SMBX physics datasheet?

Hello! SMBX physics can be easily investigated through the source code. Just keep in a mind, that game treats 65 ticks as one second (but real-time is slightly slower). The rest of physics values were specified here and here a...
by Wohlstand
30 Jan 2025, 4:28
Forum: Engine Development
Topic: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]
Replies: 163
Views: 969198

Re: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]

Also, if you report bugs regarding to specific files/episodes, maybe you would like to make an issue and submit the affected content? Visit GitHub is too painful in my region, so I post it here :doge: Does it works too slow? Yave Yu , please make a new to...
by Wohlstand
30 Jan 2025, 3:31
Forum: Engine Development
Topic: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]
Replies: 163
Views: 969198

Re: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]

Yave Yu , you probably need to clear up the gamesave and start a new game from the scratch if you trying to edit existing world. And internal editor can't set music's variable, such as switch subtune of NSF, GBS, etc. or set g=*.*,t=*.*. For that I already added the task:
by Wohlstand
21 Jan 2025, 2:30
Forum: Engine Development
Topic: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]
Replies: 163
Views: 969198

TheXTech v1.3.7: The biggest New Year Gift for everybody!

TheXTech v1.3.7: The biggest New Year Gift for everybody! This is a large update. We worked long and hard on this update, and we finally ready to present this big update for you all! This update will be the biggest in TheXTech's history and features a huge set of features, bugfixes, and improvement...
by Wohlstand
19 Dec 2024, 17:43
Forum: Super Mario Bros. X2 (SMBX2)
Topic: smbx2 Worldmap Custom music
Replies: 1
Views: 292

Re: smbx2 Worldmap Custom music

The main way to add custom music to world map at X2 is specifying replacements for default songs using music.ini file:
by Wohlstand
13 Dec 2024, 0:45
Forum: Announcments
Topic: Forum rules has been updated: extended the Forum registration paragraph
Replies: 0
Views: 1238
  • 1

Forum rules has been updated: extended the Forum registration paragraph

Hello! This is a small announcement about recent forum rules change. As you may know, invalid emails used by some users (became invalid during a time, or used a kind of disposeable emails) often causes server side errors: any attmpet to delivery notifications to invalid mailbox results an error repo...
by Wohlstand
12 Dec 2024, 11:52
Forum: Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A)
Topic: How do i make a level exit warp to another level without world map ?
Replies: 3
Views: 350

Re: How do i make a level exit warp to another level without world map ?

You need to set a destination filename and the number of the warp on the destination level (where to enter).
by Wohlstand
8 Dec 2024, 19:29
Forum: Episodes
Topic: Rules for Episodes
Replies: 0
Views: 389

Rules for Episodes

This is a section for complete episodes and projects and demos for episodes. If you want to post a single level, please post it here or consider making an episode (even it will contain one single level, so called micro-episode) with it. Post episodes here only for the following SMBX branches and as...
by Wohlstand
8 Dec 2024, 18:52
Forum: Battle levels
Topic: Battle levels Pack 2020
Replies: 0
Views: 307

Battle levels Pack 2020

Hello! This is my large collection of old battle levels made by memebers of the SMBX community somewhere between 2014 and 2016 years and published on the forum of the SMBX WebSite. At some moment, that section is no longer active, and even more it was been archived. I collected these battle levels d...
by Wohlstand
8 Dec 2024, 18:44
Forum: Battle levels
Topic: Rules for battle levels
Replies: 0
Views: 306

Rules for battle levels

This is a section for BATTLE LEVELS. If you want to post a casual level, please post it here . Post battle levels here only for the following SMBX branches and assemblies: ⋅  SMBX 1.0-1.3 (original Redigit's assemblies) ⋅  TheXTech (Modern C++ successor of Redigit's SMBX) You ca...
by Wohlstand
6 Dec 2024, 19:00
Forum: Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A)
Topic: Need help for world editor
Replies: 5
Views: 403

Re: Need help for world editor

hiyaragi wrote:But none of minigames opened. What is wrong?
The question: what version of the game? As I know, such of minigames were in 38A 1.4.4 and older, and as 38A promised, since 1.4.5 all the minigames got been removed away. Instead, he added a challenge for the hacking. :doge:
by Wohlstand
6 Dec 2024, 0:54
Forum: Accounts troubleshooting
Topic: [Guide] Repair account access for the lost email
Replies: 0
Views: 370

[Guide] Repair account access for the lost email

Hello! This manual explains what to do if you already had a working account, but you lost an access to your email. If you still able to login , please, immediately change your email to a new and valid one , otherwise, this may lead a deactivation of your account depending on how long you didn't logg...
by Wohlstand
6 Dec 2024, 0:22
Forum: Accounts troubleshooting
Topic: [Guide] Activation email doesn't arrives for a long while
Replies: 0
Views: 320

[Guide] Activation email doesn't arrives for a long while

Hello! This is a small instruction for those people who attempts to register, however, they don't receive activation letter for a long while . First of, please check your Spam directory as it's a high chance that letter was been flagged as a spam by a false positive. Second, here is a list of email ...
by Wohlstand
4 Dec 2024, 22:57
Forum: LunaLua scripting
Topic: Voice lines for SMBX2?
Replies: 6
Views: 639

Re: Voice lines for SMBX2?

Giggs-Chan wrote:Isn’t there an easier way? I have no coding experience whatsoever.
No, right now there is no easier way as I know, or if somebody coded a lua library to simplify this... :xxx:
by Wohlstand
4 Dec 2024, 18:42
Forum: Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A)
Topic: Need help for world editor
Replies: 5
Views: 403

Re: Need help for world editor

Hello and welcome! On first look this seems a bug, or possibly you forgot to mark some, but I am not sure. P.S. Also, why did you captured the microphone instead of the OS's audio? Sounds like you didn't configured your recorder properly, you should set up the capture of system audio rathar than mic...

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