Posts by Chanceux2

by Chanceux2
9 Feb 2025, 19:03
Forum: Engine Development
Topic: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]
Replies: 166
Views: 986544

Re: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]

is it possible to revert the new path animation to the old one?
phpBB [youtube]

Original link:

by Chanceux2
6 Feb 2024, 4:23
Forum: Engine Development
Topic: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]
Replies: 166
Views: 986544

Re: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]

how do i disable the fail counter? if thats even possible
by Chanceux2
13 Jun 2023, 1:09
Forum: General
Topic: [PLEASE READ THIS] SMBX's official website moves to a new domain
Replies: 5
Views: 12076
  • 1

Re: [PLEASE READ THIS] SMBX's official website moves to a new domain

Greendan wrote:Not surprised... Nintendo has a history of taking down fan creations using their properties. I wish they were more like Sega in that regard. :facepalm:

true but its kinda weird how they waited for 9 years to take down the domain.
by Chanceux2
6 Jul 2022, 4:45
Forum: TheXTech Troubleshooting
Topic: Black Screen
Replies: 2
Views: 2705

Black Screen

So I was playing around trying to find cilps I could do in a speedrun, but then I acciendlty did a glitch while trying to figure stuff out. If you enter a pipe, while you are on a black screen, if you restart the level, the entire screen stays black. Everything looks fine though. You can still Jump,...
by Chanceux2
25 Jun 2022, 17:25
Forum: Sandbox
Topic: It's time to Move on
Replies: 9
Views: 4070

Re: It's time to Move on

I agree, COPPA got worse especially with YouTube, channels would get falsely flagged as being for "kids". While I do also agree at the same time with the point of COPPA, I feel like kids shouldn't enter the internet without precaution. well us kids of course, secretly go on the internet a...
by Chanceux2
15 Jun 2022, 4:50
Forum: Sandbox
Topic: It's time to Move on
Replies: 9
Views: 4070

It's time to Move on

Super Mario Bros. X, it's a fun game. Fun fangame, and basically all of that. So when I was a idiotic child, I obviously did idiotic stuff such as, sign myself up a random SMBX Forums that I never been in nor did my parents allow me to go on. Then that happened blah blah blah and then I did somethin...
by Chanceux2
17 Apr 2022, 20:16
Forum: Engine Development
Topic: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]
Replies: 166
Views: 986544

Re: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]

So recently, I picked up an old Red New 3ds xl and I hacked it. I figured out how to insert games so the first thing I did was get SMBX. (Paying SMBX on a 3DS feels very very weird.) I'll still stick to the PC version since there is big audio lag even on a N3DS. So I'm just gonna ssume it's worse wi...
by Chanceux2
14 Apr 2022, 22:45
Forum: Sandbox
Topic: Birthday List
Replies: 326
Views: 243216

Re: Birthday List

Apr 15, 2010

yes im 11 :P
by Chanceux2
13 Apr 2022, 18:03
Forum: Super Mario Bros. X2 (SMBX2)
Topic: Graphic Request
Replies: 0
Views: 2303

Graphic Request

If this is too much then I'm really sorry but I need this Toad sheet to replace mario. So far, I finished small mario since that was pretty easy. But then I struggled with the rest (Super Mario, Fire Mario, Racoon Mario, Tanooki Mario, Hammer Mario, and Ice Mario) since everytime I try to replace ma...
by Chanceux2
1 Apr 2022, 19:13
Forum: SMBX-38A Episodes
Topic: [1.4.4] Super Player Bros. 2
Replies: 0
Views: 2673

[1.4.4] Super Player Bros. 2

Ok so, I have been playing 1.4.4, for 5 years now. And for sooooo long, i wanted to make a joke episode and upload it. Lastly, the orginal Super player Bros. got lost on a old laptop so that won't work :P Screenshots for my serious epsioede episdoe episoed eipsde episode:
by Chanceux2
10 Mar 2022, 15:10
Forum: Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A)
Topic: SMBX-38A 1.4.5 Decompilation
Replies: 29
Views: 33991

Re: SMBX-38A 1.4.5 Decompilation

krakin wrote:So from what I'm seeing, 38A is basically just dead at this point?

i mean yeah? Unless he just randomly comes back
by Chanceux2
10 Feb 2022, 0:43
Forum: Vanilla SMBX and TheXTech
Topic: Music Suggestion
Replies: 0
Views: 1954

Music Suggestion

So, I was making this episode and I wanted the music to change, but I was using Custom Music. In the entire smbx branch BUT 38A, you aren't able to use custom music, and change it in the same section. This is a problem for me sinceI want to be able to change into custom boss battle music in the same...
by Chanceux2
9 Feb 2022, 15:28
Forum: Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A)
Topic: SMBX-38A 1.4.5 Decompilation
Replies: 29
Views: 33991

Re: SMBX-38A 1.4.5 Decompilation

• He isn't interested in future development. • He wants to test our easter egg finding and software engineering skills. :rofl: • He has no internet. • In China, some political reason is possible. • He wants to be similar to Redigit, and he wants to disappear from smbx development as Redigit. Except...
by Chanceux2
9 Feb 2022, 3:51
Forum: Engine Development
Topic: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]
Replies: 166
Views: 986544

Re: Meet TheXTech: a full working cross-platform port of SMBX engine [1.3.7]

I just tested out 1.3.6 and I LOVE it so far. I cannot wait for 1.3.6 to release. I love how simplified my options button is now. 2 player game select is so much cooler looking. The stuff I don't like so far is the that when 1 player is selected and only one character can be used in a episode, it j...
by Chanceux2
9 Feb 2022, 0:10
Forum: TheXTech Troubleshooting
Topic: [Fixed] TheXTech Music Glitch
Replies: 8
Views: 3546
  • 1

Re: [Fixed] TheXTech Music Glitch

But yeah, the bug is fixed. No longer plays the music in section 1. :dance1:
by Chanceux2
8 Feb 2022, 15:16
Forum: TheXTech Troubleshooting
Topic: [Fixed] TheXTech Music Glitch
Replies: 8
Views: 3546

Re: [Fixed] TheXTech Music Glitch

Once again, gonna have to wait until i get to my computer since i still have school :P
by Chanceux2
8 Feb 2022, 4:03
Forum: Ideas & Suggestions
Topic: Use the SMBX 1.4.5 Decompiled code to make a continuation
Replies: 3
Views: 2708

Re: Use the SMBX 1.4.5 Decompiled code to make a continuation

As many others said, it's not the source code. So it won't play exactly like 38A.
by Chanceux2
8 Feb 2022, 1:32
Forum: TheXTech Troubleshooting
Topic: [Fixed] TheXTech Music Glitch
Replies: 8
Views: 3546

Re: [Fixed] TheXTech Music Glitch

K i posted it

Added after 1 minute 48 seconds:
btw i didn't even get to finish level 1 :cool:

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